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Why No One Is Seeing Your Content & How to Fix it!

Why No One Is Seeing Your Content & How to Fix it!

Why No One Is Seeing Your Content & How to Fix it!

Welcome to the Crystal Clear Podcast where we strive to empower the everyday creative boss to elevate and grow a business that matches your creativity and passion for creating products.

Things mentioned in this podcast episode:

First, the reason why no one is seeing your content is that you are truly not sharing it enough! It’s tough to step back and realize just how many times we need to talk about a particular product, offer or service to get the audience to start to see us as that subject matter expert but it’s often the reasons why no one is seeing your content!

So how could you fix that? Try taking a former blog and pulling out just 1 tip to highlight and refer back to that blog post as the call to action. This gives value, a quick piece of content to post and ties back to what you do to solve their problem. In this episode you will hear me run over several examples of repurposes and tying back your content to what you offer.

Need more support around your content? I’ve got your back with a few easy options!


Second, your audience isn’t big enough. That may feel like a duh, thing to say but it’s often very true. Its why one of the key things to do in your business is start first by growing your audience.

To start growing and getting more people in, you can utilize traffic sites like Pinterest to push out both Instagram and Blog related content that leads an audience straight to your freebies! Get them on the list and you in their inbox is key to quick grow and good conversions. Show up and be a resource to others genuinely offer help and your freebies as an option when you see other postings about related struggles that your product or service can solve. You can set a timer and pop in to various facebook groups and be engaged in questions that are going on involving your ideal client.

Lastly, your images and graphics aren’t appealing! Ouch, I know! But its very very true. This is why there are stock shops and templates out there to help you grow your business visually. I would do you any justice as a Photographer and Creative Director if I didn’t stop and say hey, you need to take a look at what you’re putting out there.

You should take a moment to gather together a set of 10-15 graphics that are already customized and set up to fit your brand. Then, rinse and repeat!

Let me know how I can support you and grow your business and get your content up to par so that you can get your stuff out there and people can start buying the products and things that you have to offer because we both know they are amazing.

Ready to outsource and take this off your plate? Start the year off strong for any product launches with a custom photoshoot by booking a call with me to see how I can help you develop eye catching content or maybe you’ve used the heck out of all of those photos it might be time for a refresher.

You can catch past episodes, tips and resources here on the website or any podcast platform including Itunes and Spotify. I strive to bring you the best content, marketing and business owner tips to keep you clear and on the path toward success.

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Comment, share on Pinterest, or even snap a screenshot and tag me on Instagram! I’d love to hear what you think about props for product photography.

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About Crystal

Corporate America had me at hello for 10 years. And just when I thought I was where I was supposed to be, God changed the narrative and helped me find more time for my husband and two beautiful girls through my own photography business. Now, I live for all things styled photography and serving the business community exclusively through styled imagery and personal brand photography.

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4 Ways To Empower Your Team

4 Ways To Empower Your Team

4 Ways To Empower Your Team


Welcome to the Crystal Clear Podcast where we strive to empower the everyday creative boss to elevate and grow a business that matches your creativity and passion for creating products.

Things mentioned in this podcast episode:

If you don’t know a lot about my background here is a brief synopsis of what I’ve done: I spent the better part of 10 years recruiting in HR. I was like a matchmaker between employees and the companies inviting people who are the right fit for different positions. I worked hard to ensure that each recruit and each company were going to be successful in their career path, both individually and as a whole. I’ve gained the advantage of learning both perspectives of working for the company and also meeting so many wonderful people throughout the years.

I try to stay as active as I can on LinkedIn because this is where I had built up such a wonderful network of so many people. LinkedIn is a great resource for building your network and business. Don’t forget to connect with me: Crystal Hollman!

4 Tips to Help You & Your Team:
1. Encourage communication and meetings
2. Provide constructive feedback but leave room for creativity
3. Embrace their strong points and take away things that they aren’t good at
4. Uplift them with support and guidance in what they’re doing

Give authority to your team to help make decisions, this level of empowerment gives them more skin in the game to show up like you need them to.

Expanding your team can feel overwhelming as it is and this is why I step in to help other businesses get control of their content and photography without the stress of pulling together all the details themselves.

If your 2021 goals are growing your creative business and are looking for reliable content for consistent growth, let’s talk! I’ve served over 27 new product businesses alone this year in addition to my retainer clientele. Their key takeaways were being able to increase their product sales/revenue, grow their business by focusing in on sales, having better Ad conversions and more!

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Comment, share on Pinterest, or even snap a screenshot and tag me on Instagram! I’d love to hear what you think about hiring and growing your team!

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About Crystal

Corporate America had me at hello for 10 years. And just when I thought I was where I was supposed to be, God changed the narrative and helped me find more time for my husband and two beautiful girls through my own photography business. Now, I live for all things styled photography and serving the business community exclusively through styled imagery and personal brand photography.

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Why Market Research Matters When Starting Your Business

Why Market Research Matters When Starting Your Business

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Why Market Research Matters When Starting Your Business

Why Market Research Matters

Market research is the number one way to get to know your ideal audience or client avatar.


t will answer the questions of who you want to help, their problems, and if you can provide them with a solution. The more you can understand who it is you’re serving, the better you will be able to provide what they need.


Check the Competition 

The first way to get the information you need is to check the competition. Go to people’s websites and social media profiles who have similar audiences to you or work in the same niche. Check what kind of content they post and what people are saying about it. Take note of how your competitors interact with their audience and what calls-to-action they use.


You can also subscribe to their email lists to see what kind of content they send out and how often. Gather information from different people and see how you can apply it to similar areas in your business. 


Do not copy the competitors! The point of checking the competition is to gather information and apply it in a way that works best for you and your ideal audience. You can also better identify any gaps in the marketplace and fill them accordingly.

Identify the Target Market 

Once you’ve done your research, identify the target market. Who is it that you want to help? What kind of people are looking for your services? 


Market research makes things more clear as to who it is you’re trying to attract. You can then create content geared specifically towards that audience. Through your research, you will also identify specific words or phrases often used, which you can incorporate into your content to attract the right people for your business.


You can also go straight to the source and survey your target market. If you’re a relatively new business owner who hasn’t acquired an audience big enough to survey yet, start small. Ask friends and family if they know of anyone who fits your ideal client avatar. Facebook groups are also a good place to find your target audience.


Review Social Media Insights 

Another great place to find some additional information on market research is in your social media analytics. Find out which content resonated most with your audience or had the most engagement. This includes likes, comments, and shares. Insights and analytics alone tell you right away what works and what doesn’t. 


Your website is another great way to check your insights and see which pages are the most viewed. The data will tell you everything you need to know, including which content to make more of and which ones to scrap. 


I recommend checking your insights often to see what works best for your audience on each platform. Some things work better than others depending on the social media platform. The more you check, the more familiar you will get with the content that resonates with your ideal audience.



Market research is crucial for any business owner and gives you a direction to work towards, will help you to identify your target market, and find out what sparks their interest. A little research goes a long way and provides the answers you need to create better content for your audience. 


Whether you’re starting in your business or are already established, the Creative Boss Society will provide the direction, training, and tools you need to start selling confidently, all while being supported by your community and coach. You can also find us on Instagram, where we post tips and tricks to help you thrive as a business owner.


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About Crystal


Crystal is the Creative Director, Photo Stylist, and Commercial Photographer behind Crystal Clear Creative Studios. From increased sales, visibility, and trends to conversions and full production, Crystal and her team, experts on the subject matter, provide clients with confidence to take your photography and videography needs off your plate. We support you in your growth with the creation and implementation of transformative ideas.

3 Steps to Get the Most Out of Using Images in Your Marketing

3 Steps to Get the Most Out of Using Images in Your Marketing

The Blog

3 Steps to Get the Most Out of Using Images in Your Marketing

Without a doubt your product photos are a crucial part of your business marketing strategy.


hey’re the first impression people have of your business and brand. Not only do you want to highlight your products in your images, but you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of using them in your marketing. Here are 3 steps to show you how.

1. Highlight a Clear Call-to-Action 


Social media has become more and more business-savvy over the years. On platforms like Instagram, you can link your entire product catalog all within the app. You can also turn on shopping features where your customers can buy your products directly from Instagram. Use your images to highlight your product’s unique pieces and then follow up with a clear call-to-action by tagging that product back to your shop. 


As a business owner, you want to make the process as easy as possible for potential or current customers. If someone happens to be scrolling on Instagram and lands on your page, likes your product, and wants to buy – you want to encourage that by creating a clear path to purchase. Give your customers the information they need to know – where to go and what to do if they want to buy.


2. Understand and Address Customer Concerns


Use your product images to show how and where people are using your product. First, you need to understand your customer’s journey. What are their struggles? How does your product help them?


When you address customer concerns, it creates relationships and bridges the gap with why customers should click “buy.” Customers want to feel understood. Show that your products are what they need by addressing their pain points in your product images. What does your product solve? Dry skin, prevents aging, decor for a new home, vintage and classic style, dressing up a casual outfit. Whatever it is, you want to make sure that your ideal audience needs it. 


Anything that you think your customers can benefit from, share. They will appreciate your transparency and can rely on you to tell them what they need to know.


3. Share What Makes Your Product Unique


Don’t hold back when it comes to sharing what makes your product different from the rest. Show the combined ways it can be used outside of the unconventional or the ways that it is unique to your audience. People want to know why they need another product. Use your images to highlight those points.


It always helps to think outside the box. How can you display your photos in a way that will grab someone’s attention? What about your product is so unique that someone should buy it? When trying to get the most out of your images, these are questions to consider—plan on how you want to capture your products through photography.




You get the most out of using your images in marketing by making the path to purchase more accessible for your customers. Tag your products in your social media photos so that it’s a quick tap of a button that leads them to where they need to go. Understand what it is they need and share why they need it. If you have any questions or want help brainstorming new ideas for your images, let me know! We can also connect on Instagram



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About Crystal


Crystal is the Creative Director, Photo Stylist, and Commercial Photographer behind Crystal Clear Creative Studios. From increased sales, visibility, and trends to conversions and full production, Crystal and her team, experts on the subject matter, provide clients with confidence to take your photography and videography needs off your plate. We support you in your growth with the creation and implementation of transformative ideas.

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