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Finding Mentorship and Growing Your Business with Kelsey Chapman

Finding Mentorship and Growing Your Business with Kelsey Chapman

Finding Mentorship and Growing Your Business with Kelsey Chapman

Welcome to the Crystal Clear Podcast where we strive to empower the everyday creative boss to elevate and grow a business that matches your creativity and passion for creating products.


Things mentioned in this podcast episode:


Kelsey Chapman joins me on the podcast today. She is an author, podcaster, and personal cheerleader. Kelsey comes on the podcast today to chat about business and mentorship. She debunks a common business myth, shares her favorite content trend in the new year, and how mentorship can impact your business and life.

Meet Kelsey:

Kelsey Chapman is an author, podcaster, and personal cheerleader to women building their dream life and business.

When she first launched her own brand in 2015, she felt all the overwhelming feelings, too. It was scary to take such a huge leap and commit to showing up for a dream she didn’t know would pan out. Mentorship is what pushed her to rise up and continue making her dream a reality. Over the first few years of business, she leaned on the shoulders of several incredible mentors who took her under their wing and taught her how to make the jump from dreamer to doer.

Kelsey needed their expert wisdom to shift old perspectives, discover the next right steps that would help her execute the vision, and stay hopeful throughout the journey. Her mentors helped shape her character so she could become the CEO and leader she is today. Now she is excited to pay it forward and be that cheerleader for you, too… because she believes YOU can turn your wildest dreams into REALITY.

Things mentioned in this episode:

  • A common myth that Kelsey sees in the online business world that she would like to debunk
  • Kelsey’s favorite content trend – hint it has to do with reels
  • Tips of finding your footing in business when you are struggling
  • How mentorship can enrich your life and business
  • Finding opportunities to meet meaningful people in life, sometimes finding them in non-traditional ways
  • How to find mentors in everyday life
  • Tips on asking people to mentor you
  • Connect with people you see in your life that could use your extra time

Grab your copy of Kelsey’s book, What They Taught Me, at your favorite bookstore. You can head to Kelsey’s website to listen to the first chapter. Head on over to Instagram and give Kelsey a follow @kelschapman.

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About Crystal

Crystal is the Creative Director, Photo Stylist, and Commercial Photographer behind Crystal Clear Creative Studios. From increased sales, visibility, and trends to conversions and full production, Crystal and her team, experts on the subject matter, provide clients with confidence to take your photography and videography needs off your plate. We support you in your growth with the creation and implementation of transformative ideas.

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2020 Recap, Lessons Learned

2020 Recap, Lessons Learned

2020 Recap, Lessons Learned

Welcome to the Crystal Clear Podcast where we strive to empower the everyday creative boss to elevate and grow a business that matches your creativity and passion for creating products.


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As I reflect on 2020 I share some of the top lessons that I learned during the year. 2020 was a year with a lot of negativity but the year also brought a lot of really good things like clarity, direction, and simplifying areas of life and business. I think going back and looking at a few takeaways from the year and what came of it really helps to put things into perspective for where I plan to go in 2021. 

Lessons I learned in 2020:


  • I learned to listen to myself. I had a lot of time for reflection and time spent in the unknown so it forced me to look at the things I can control. Sometimes we get so caught up in all the things that other people are doing that we forget to stop and ask ourselves “Is this something that I like or want to be doing?”. When everyone around us is launching something new and exciting it is easy to feel like we need to be doing that also. But, what I realized in 2020 is that I needed to slow down and really evaluate what it was that I wasn’t for myself and for my business. Ultimately, this is your life and all you have is the family and friends closest to you so do the things that make you truly happy. For me, that was doing less and understanding that sometimes less actually is more. I was able to do less of things thing I originally thought to be important and my business still grew.
  • I focused on my mindset. Mindset is a huge component for business and being successful. If your mind isn’t in the right place it can begin to hinder your growth and your goals. My goal in 2020 was to simplify and at the time I didn’t think it would be possible to grow the way I wanted to while also simplifying things. But, being able to pull out of everyone else’s orbit and really hone in on the things that I really wanted and focus less on the things I thought others wanted of me. My goal was to gain more clients, but I didn’t want just any clients. I wanted ones that would work with me consistently and grow through and with me. One of the best things I was able to do at the end of the year was an audit of my business. I was able to see that through simplifying I was still able to get the clients I desired and reach my goals.
  • I dropped the planning and lived in the now. It wasn’t easy for me. Not having a plan just isn’t something that I regularly do. But, in 2020 pretty much everything that I planned flew out the window which threw me for a loop and forced me to learn how to live in the now and not worry about planning everything. The best part is by doing this and living in the moment it left open the freedom I was seeking to step away from social media, the computer and take the time off. During my end of the year audit, I was able to see that my business grew 30% last year. I was able to reach my goals by controlling less than I usually would.
  • I learned that spending less time on social media didn’t crush my business. This is so tricky and can feel scary. But, I dropped off. I reduced the time I spent on social media and the content I was putting out. I pulled back and was able to focus on the things I wanted the most and then go pursue after those dreams.
  • I was able to explore my creativity in ways I hadn’t done before. I began to dip my toes into video and the different ways video can be used in business. Which lead me to be able to offer more and deepen the relationships that I already have.

    What can you take away from 2020? Have you stopped to evaluate and audit your business or are you throwing it in the trash and moving on?

    Let me know, I would love to see if this insight from my year might have helped you realize some of the positive things you might have experienced too!

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About Crystal

Corporate America had me at hello for 10 years. And just when I thought I was where I was supposed to be, God changed the narrative and helped me find more time for my husband and two beautiful girls through my own photography business. Now, I live for all things styled photography and serving the business community exclusively through styled imagery and personal brand photography.

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4 Business Mistakes To Avoid for Quicker Growth

4 Business Mistakes To Avoid for Quicker Growth

4 Business Mistakes To Avoid for Quicker Growth

4 Business Mistakes To Avoid for Quicker Growth

Welcome to the Crystal Clear Podcast where we strive to empower the everyday creative boss to elevate and grow a business that matches your creativity and passion for creating products.


Things mentioned in this podcast episode:


We all make mistakes, and (hopefully) learn from them. Sometimes these mistakes can be avoided if we take the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others! This is the reason it was so important to mastermind inside the Creative Boss Society. It gives you a moment to be vulnerable about potential mistakes, get feedback and insight on how we all run our business AND hear from other experts so we can recover quickly!


Here are four common mistakes to avoid in your business: 

  1. You’re doing “all the things,” but none of them well. As the old adage goes,”A Jack of All Trades is a Master of None.” Instead of spreading yourself thin, find your focal point.
  2. You’re not marketing enough times to get your audience to buy in and pay attention. Unfortunately, in this day and age, people tend to have shorter attention spans – but by making your product, and business, more visible in your marketing, you increase the opportunity to obtain their attention.
  3. Chasing the “next best thing” – in other words, trying to provide an additional service or build a membership instead of honing in and perfecting your current service and offer(s). Instead, take in customer and professional feedback, elaborate on your current offer(s) and find a way to make a better package. Don’t split time trying to create something else; focus first on your initial product.
  4. Becoming paralyzed and lost in your sense of direction. Lack of goals or clarity around your offer(s) and product can cause this.Take the time to brainstorm and really solidify your intent with your product.

Check out the Freebies Vault! Inside are 4 key guides and step by step strategies you can use to aid in solving and learning more about having a success business. Bonus! They are key in avoiding these business mistakes mentioned in todays episode:

  • 90 Day Goals
  • Time Management to get back control of Productivity
  • Develop your Creative Sales Rhythm
  • Offer That Sells – going back to the drawing board to fine-tune things and recenter with the core of what you want to do

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About Crystal

Corporate America had me at hello for 10 years. And just when I thought I was where I was supposed to be, God changed the narrative and helped me find more time for my husband and two beautiful girls through my own photography business. Now, I live for all things styled photography and serving the business community exclusively through styled imagery and personal brand photography.

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How to avoid outsourcing too soon!

How to avoid outsourcing too soon!

How to avoid outsourcing too soon!

How to avoid outsourcing too soon!

Welcome to the Crystal Clear Podcast where we strive to empower the everyday creative boss to elevate and grow a business that matches your creativity and passion for creating products.


Things mentioned in this podcast episode:

Outsourcing is a common and often used tool  in the small business community. Generally, it starts with the need and desire to show up everywhere. In your ambition, you want to do all the things, all the time and in all the right places. Thus begins the pull to hire people to help, so that you don’t burn yourself out.

How do you avoid the spiral into an outright burnout, but also avoid outsourcing too soon?


Find your healthy balance! Its going to be a different path for every business owner and every type of business but you can almost always count on finding your balance and feedback by getting some insight from other Creative Business Owners like yourself.

Start by marrying yourself to one source of marketing to get the ball rolling. Then repurpose that; let it grow. Nothing in business happens fast if you don’t already have an established audience. It’s not always desirable but is the best way to keep your budget under control if your income and profit aren’t yet consistent.

At the end of the day don’t rush yourself into thinking outsourcing is the thing you need right now! If you’re in the first few years of business it may not really be an option. Instead, look at one-time projects, collaborations, and one focal point for your marketing until you get the traction and growth.

Need more direction and guidance? I challenge you to join The Creative Boss Society and see if you don’t gain the direction, strategy and step by step guidance to grow your business.

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Comment, share on Pinterest, or even snap a screenshot and tag me on Instagram! I’d love to hear what you think about props for product photography.

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About Crystal

Corporate America had me at hello for 10 years. And just when I thought I was where I was supposed to be, God changed the narrative and helped me find more time for my husband and two beautiful girls through my own photography business. Now, I live for all things styled photography and serving the business community exclusively through styled imagery and personal brand photography.

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To Niche or Not To Niche, That’s the question!

To Niche or Not To Niche, That’s the question!

To Niche or Not To Niche, That’s the question!

Welcome to the Crystal Clear Podcast where we strive to empower the everyday creative boss to elevate and grow a business that matches your creativity and passion for creating products.


Things mentioned in this podcast episode:


To niche or not to niche is the question up for debate. So I decided it was time we talked about it. Niching isn’t always what you think. It’s so taboo and it can sometimes feel like it’s impossible to niche your business or even figure out how to niche in the first place. Everyone is afraid of alienating people or potentially turning business away and no one wants that. So let’s talk about the different ways that you can niche so that you AREN’T alienating people or turning away potential business but instead GROWING your business. 


Niche by talking to a particular audience. Who do you notice the majority of your audience is? Are you talking to creative bosses? Product-based businesses? Maybe fitness gurus, mom, the knitting community, dog lovers, etc? I think you get my point! Start by knowing who you are talking to and what space they are in. 

Niche by services offered. Maybe you have a broad audience so it’s hard to find a specific audience you are talking to. A different way to niche is by the services you are offering. Photography for example. You can niche in product photography, portrait photography, family photography, brand photography, wedding photography, etc. I could keep going but I think you get the point. Maybe you are a graphic designer who only does social media posts or you offer illustrations for hire. Or maybe a digital product shop. All of these examples are niched by the service that they offer not the audience they are speaking to. 

Niche by industry. This is a similar, but still different, way to niche your audience. When you niche by industry look at who you are serving. Maybe your focus is helping product bosses with their physical products or helping moms of teens. Developing products for teachers or even more specifically offering digital support tools for SLP teachers. 

When you niche down you are essentially just looking to find the person or service you enjoy the most and then speaking to them specifically in order to help grow your business. 

Let’s look at the pros and cons of niching down in business. 


-> Getting really specific on the person you are working with

-> Become and be seen as an expert in your area quicker and more easily

-> Dial in on what problems you can solve

-> Dial in on your offerings and area of expertise


-> You can limit your ability to grow out of or beyond what you are doing

-> You can be so dialed in or niched that you can’t really make a living from it

-> You have to look at your growth as a long game verse a short game because it can sometimes take a bit more time to find your people and have your audience grow

This is just one of the many things I can help you work through inside The Creative Boss Society. Inside of The Creative Boss Society Membership, I help you figure out who your audience is, how to market to them, and how to ultimately convert them to paying customers. Head on over and check it out. Can’t wait to see you on the inside. 

New to business and not sure you are ready to dive into a membership just yet? Check out my freebie vault where I give you resources to get you started. 


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About Crystal

Corporate America had me at hello for 10 years. And just when I thought I was where I was supposed to be, God changed the narrative and helped me find more time for my husband and two beautiful girls through my own photography business. Now, I live for all things styled photography and serving the business community exclusively through styled imagery and personal brand photography.

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