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How to Stay Productive as a Mom and Business Owner

How to Stay Productive as a Mom and Business Owner

The Blog

How to Stay Productive as a Mom and Business Owner

Being a Mom and a Creative Boss is possible all the power of things we do naturally, like organization and structure!


eing a mom and a business owner has some striking similarities, and it’s safe to say that both can be a juggling act.


I’ve had to make sacrifices in order to prioritize certain things, but most of all, I’ve had to be strict about my time. Nights out were traded for nights to get work done. Lunch dates were traded for virtual chats or special events and so forth. It’s not to say that this year hasn’t been tough for everyone, but I have found a lot of my friends are seeing (just like me) that it’s a task to stay productive, teach your kiddos and run your business owner. 


However, we pivot, and we adjust where we need too. In this season of life I made pivots and changes to serve both my family and my clients – so I want to share some of my top hacks to stay productive!


I Keep a Priority List


It’s up to you to decide what takes priority and what doesn’t. As a mompreneur, time is my most valuable asset, so I use it wisely. This is why I keep a priority list. Sometimes it’s helpful to braindump everything and anything that I need to do just to see it all in one place. Then, I prioritize each task by importance and by the deadline. My rule of thumb is choosing to prioritize starting with the business and marketing tasks first!


Bonus tip! Things that fall to the bottom every time could be outsourced if you’re finding that they are still higher priority items when it comes to growing your business.


Automate Systems


Automated systems have been a lifesaver for me. They increase my productivity levels and make my workdays more efficient. If you’re not already, then it’s time you start. When you schedule your social media posts, email newsletters, blogs, invoices, etc. to automatically go out, you’re spending less time on smaller tasks and more time on essential areas of your business.


Getting your systems automated takes some time in the initial setup because you’re spending a chunk of your day planning and scheduling your content. However, once you complete it, you don’t have to worry about it until your next content batch, and you can focus on other things that are making money or growing your business.


Bonus! This also helps you a TON when you are getting ready to hire a VA or other team members that can help assist in scaling your business.


Block Out Times in Advance


Take some time to sit down and look at everything going on for the month. Do you need to take the kids anywhere? What needs to get done in the business? Are you planning any getaways? Brainstorm everything you need and block out those times in advance. When you know what to expect for the day, you boost your productivity and are more likely to get things done more efficiently.


My day usually doesn’t start until 9am. I know by then I have done breakfast, coffee, kids are settled into their online activities and I can tune in to focus. I intentionally don’t schedule ANYTHING before that because once the kids are set the day flows much smoother.


Bonus! You run your schedule Momma! If you’re feeling overwhelmed find time to create space in your schedule. Curb your expectations and thanks to Covid you can get away with kids running around in the background!




It’s not easy being a mom and a business owner, but there are ways to stay productive and get things done. Know your limits, what works for you, and what doesn’t. Have a clear vision of your daily tasks and set aside time to focus on each one as you go. Staying productive can be tricky, especially when you’re working from home, but put these practices in place and you’ll be well on your way.


If you have any questions or would like to share some of your most productive tips, feel free to connect with me – I’d love to hear from you. We can also connect on Instagram!


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About Crystal


Crystal is the Creative Director, Photo Stylist, and Commercial Photographer behind Crystal Clear Creative Studios. From increased sales, visibility, and trends to conversions and full production, Crystal and her team, experts on the subject matter, provide clients with confidence to take your photography and videography needs off your plate. We support you in your growth with the creation and implementation of transformative ideas.

Outsourcing Your Product Photos Pt. 2 – What You Need to Know

Outsourcing Your Product Photos Pt. 2 – What You Need to Know

The Blog

Outsourcing Your Product Photos Pt. 2 – What You Need to Know

It’s easy to become overwhelmed with the thought of outsourcing your product photos, especially when you know you can do it yourself.


ut overcoming your fear of outsourcing is another hurdle to conquer. It’s normal to feel this way when you’re doing it for the first time, so take a deep breath, overcome your anxiety, and outsource the work so you can focus on other parts of your business.

Here are 3 easy steps to help you let go of that fear:


Do the Math

Don’t worry – I cringe too when it comes to numbers, but when you realize the increased sales from better quality equals more money in your pocket – you will be outsourcing left and right. Know that outsourcing your photos means more opportunity to focus on:


  • Marketing your product
  • Engaging with your ideal customers
  • Creating more content


The payoff will be entirely worth it. Don’t think of investing in another photographer as a waste of money, but rather an investment in your business. Outsourcing your product photos to someone else with the same or better skill set than you will result in a higher Return on Investment (ROI). This is because you’re increasing your productivity levels by doing other important tasks that need your attention. In-house efficiency is vital for business growth, so take advantage of the opportunities to invest in a few month’s worths of photos and see the big-picture results. 


Ask Yourself Questions

Ask yourself questions like – would this save me time, stress, and money doing it myself? What can I get in done in that timeframe instead of focusing on trying to take photos? Does it make more sense to focus on marketing, creating products, and driving sales over 4-8 hours trying to do a photoshoot? 


When you can answer these questions with a solid answer, really think about the benefits you can have towards growing your company. Be sure you know the answer first before you decide to outsource. Like anything, it’s important to have a plan and a goal in mind. Time is money and it shouldn’t be wasted on things that can be handed over to other professionals in the business.


Brand Evaluation 

Another great way to overcome your fear of outsourcing is taking a step back and assessing whether or not your brand is ready to take it up a notch. Believe it or not, our businesses can easily dictate when it is time to outsource. The bank account balance looks good, your crazy busy filling orders, talking to wholesalers, etc. These are all things that indicate your business is growing and it is time to offload them before you fall behind on important tasks like customer service. The sooner you can outsource, the sooner you can focus on what you need to.



The fear of outsourcing your work is real. Every successful business owner has had the feeling, but has taken the necessary step for growth – and you can too. Understand that it may take a few trials before you find the right person but it’s all part of the process. Take what you learn and grow from it. It’s important to realize the successes that come from outsourcing your tasks. As business owners, we need ongoing support to help teach us the right things and lead us on the right path towards success. You can’t do it alone and this is why I offer more than just photography services. If you’d like to learn more, I’d love to connect with you! You can also find me on Instagram!

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About Crystal


Crystal is the Creative Director, Photo Stylist, and Commercial Photographer behind Crystal Clear Creative Studios. From increased sales, visibility, and trends to conversions and full production, Crystal and her team, experts on the subject matter, provide clients with confidence to take your photography and videography needs off your plate. We support you in your growth with the creation and implementation of transformative ideas.

The 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Flat-Lay Photography

The 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Flat-Lay Photography

The Blog

The 7 Do’s and Don’ts of Flat-Lay Photography

Flat lay photography is the fastest growing type of photograph for the product based business. 


e have all seen those Instagram posts of the seemingly perfect, birds-eye view of a product surrounded by carefully curated props.

Flat-lay photography is a unique and appealing way to showcase your products without having to travel far for the perfect picture. But like anything in business, there’s a strategy to consider before you take your flat-lay photos.


Creating the perfect flat-lay takes more time than you think. Essentially you’re creating a photo that looks like you came across your product naturally. So here are 7 do’s and don’ts for creating the perfect flat-lay.


1 – Have Fun with the Colors

Do have fun with the colors in your photo. It’s one of the first things you notice about a picture, so don’t be afraid to experiment a little. Think about the visual story and the feelings you’re trying to evoke.


Don’t forget to balance the colors. You want everything in your flat-lay to flow together. Avoid using too much of one color, spread it out evenly, and stay on brand. When in doubt, stick to a similar palette when choosing your colors.


2 – Focus on Your Main Product

Do focus on your main product. Remember the reason you are taking the photo. What makes your product different from the competition? Showcase any unique details and focus on any interesting characteristics you want your customers to notice.


Don’t forget to make sure it’s not overshadowed. Arrange any additional props accordingly, but make sure the customer can tell the product apart from the rest. The last thing you want is your audience to be confused about what you’re selling.


3 – Add Variety

Do add variety in your props. The purpose of your flat-lay is to create a visual story in the most natural way. Consider where your ideal customer will use your product. What kind of items will you find nearby? Utilize your props to add depth to the image and have fun with it! Move things around until you find the perfectly imperfect shot.


Don’t forget to add texture. Using different colors, lights, and shadows all help tell your product’s visual story. The lighting alone can add more depth and create a three-dimensional feel. You can also use props with varying textures that can make the overall photo feel tangible and real.


4 – Use Balanced Lighting

Do strive for balanced lighting and soft shadows. While it is alright to have light and dark spots in the picture, try to keep it as balanced and as soft as possible. A flat-lay isn’t a good image for a spotlight with a lot of dark space.


Don’t forget shadows. Too much shadow in your picture can cause the image to get lost, but a little shadow adds natural depth and appeal. You can play around with your props and create shadows in the image that highlight your product in new ways.


5 – Shoot at the Same Time, Every Time

Do shoot any image at the same time of the day, every time. Consistency is key for any photoshoot. However, maintaining the same lighting across the board is extremely important for every image. Once you decide where to shoot the photo, utilize the natural light as best as you can to keep your photos consistent.


Don’t forget that you can shoot outside. Maybe your home or studio doesn’t have a lot of natural light. Instead, set up your flat-lay on an outdoor table. Be sure to have the right settings on your camera to avoid dark or blown out photos. To learn more tips on how to keep your photos consistent, check out my blog post here.


6 – Use White Space 

Do give yourself ample empty or white space. Keep in mind, the style that you’re going for. Empty or white space can create powerful images if used correctly. Less is more and utilizing the space allows the eye to flow easily from each part of your photo before resting on your product.


Don’t photograph your photos in a square. While a square shape can seem great for a symmetrical flat-lay, you want to be able to repurpose your image for many different formats. It’s also better to have options for future content purposes.


7 – Get Closer  

Do get closer to the product. Most images feel off or not put together because you have made the shot tighter by bringing in the props and closing up some of the white space. Spread things out, back your camera up, and let the white space do the work.


Don’t forget to play around. Your first shot might not work out, so take a lot of them! Move props around, take some props out, and add new ones in. Take a picture you feel showcases your product the best.


Flat-lay photography is a skill in itself. Arranging props to look like you happened across your product on a normal day can take some practice and lots of repetition. But keep these tips in mind as you go along. It doesn’t need to be complicated. However, if you feel that you struggle with curating photos for your business, check out my Flat-Lay Method Course. This course is designed for the DIY business owner looking to develop a process around flat-lay photography. You’ll learn things like camera basics and flat-lay setups. For more information, you can contact me here or we can chat on Instagram!

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About Crystal


Crystal is the Creative Director, Photo Stylist, and Commercial Photographer behind Crystal Clear Creative Studios. From increased sales, visibility, and trends to conversions and full production, Crystal and her team, experts on the subject matter, provide clients with confidence to take your photography and videography needs off your plate. We support you in your growth with the creation and implementation of transformative ideas.

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